The Historyteller

4,99 € por unidad

Fran Zabaleta
Los Libros del Salvaje
Libros de historia
Tales through time 1
Digital, tapa blanda

The Historyteller is a collection of novelized stories about key episodes of our past: discoveries, battles, inventions, ideas, individual feats and collective deeds that managed to twist the arm of history, overcome its inertia and change the course of events. To know them is to understand our present.

In each volume of The Historyteller, you will find five episodes, one per historical period: Prehistory, Antiquity, The Middle Ages, The Modern Era and The Contemporary Era.

They are independently readable stories that bring us closer to specific characters or events that were decisive for our history; together, they offer us an overview of our past.


In the first book...
    • Prehistory. The discovery that turned us into human beings
    •   Antiquity. The battle that decided the fate of Rome
    • The Middle Ages. The invention that taught us to think
    • The Modern Era. The first round the world trip
    • The Contemporary Era. The book that changed our understanding of man and the universe forever


How did our hominid ancestors manage to survive in a world dominated by mega-carnivores like the sabre-toothed tigers? What would our world look like today if Rome had been defeated by Carthage, something that almost happened? Was Gutenberg the inventor of the printing press or just an opportunist? What was Magellan really trying to do when he embarked on his trip around the world? Did you know that Darwin almost did not publish The Origin of Species, now considered by many to be the most important book in history?


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