Off Track

5,99 € por unidad

Fran Zabaleta
Los Libros del Salvaje
Ficción contemporánea
A man on the run. A paradise steeped in legends. A thousand-year-old quest that is about to come to an end.


Laro is already in his forties and can't take any more. He has been at rock bottom for years, unable to take control of his own life, when a haughty judge and an unanticipated prison sentence give him the final kick in the teeth.

With nothing to lose, he flees Madrid and settles in an abandoned house in the mountains of Courel, one of the most remote and beautiful regions of Galicia, with the intention of vanishing from the world. But vanishing is not easy when the past haunts you and the future forces you to face your most stubborn enemy: yourself.

Moreover, paradise is not as idyllic as it seems. Despite the apparent friendliness of the locals, Laro soon discovers that he has found himself in the middle of a centuries-old conflict in which legends and reality have blurred boundaries and everyone wants to use him for their own ends...


A novel of suspense and adventure and a gruelling account of overcoming personal difficulties in an exceptional setting. An intense portrayal of events in which history is intertwined with the most deeply rooted popular beliefs of Galicia.

A journey into the legendary past of a land of dazzling beauty.


Off Track 21

Off Track 4

Off Track 31




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