An Inward Journey

4,99 € por unidad

Fran Zabaleta
Los Libros del Salvaje
Libros de viaje
Digital, tapa blanda
Do I really know my own country?

That's what I asked myself a year ago ... and the answer surprised me.

Yes, I had been to many locations. I was very familiar with the outer edges of the peninsula, but the interior was a huge black hole pierced here and there by the lights of some city.

So I set out to remedy it.

I bought a van adapted as a home and I went to explore the interior of Spain.

For eighty days I visited villages, castles, natural parks and archaeological sites, talked with people, researched a thousand stories and looked out into a world that was curiously familiar and, at the same time, completely unknown.


What will you find in this book?

The result is an approach to the history, geography and present day realities of a country which is much larger, richer and more complex than we were ever told. A country that overflows with a rich heritage and an archaeological, historical and cultural wealth, full of amazing nooks and crannies, but also depopulated and lonely.

A deeply beautiful country that is truly worth the effort of exploring in depth, getting lost in its innermost recesses and diving into its extraordinary past.



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